CommunityCouncil Kin Canada Week The Shoreline February 16, 2024February 20, 2024 0 Comments In recognition of Kin Canada’s 104th anniversary, Conception Bay South Deputy Mayor Andrea Gosse last week declared Tuesday, February 20, as Kin Canada Day and the week of February 18 -24 as Kin Canada Week in the Town of CBS. Kin Canada, the nation’s largest all-Canadian Service Club organization, was formed on February 20th, 1920. The CBS chapter has been active for 47 years, and true to its motto, “Serving the Community’s Greatest Need,” the CBS chapter is devoted to bettering the community throughout the year. During this year’s Santa Parade, the club collected approximately $20,000 in groceries for local food banks and donated a further $3,000 in cash. A number of Kin Club members were on hand for the proclamation. From left are Don Butler, Diane Butler, Christopher Stone, Dave Stone, Deputy Mayor Andrea Gosse, Vice President Lilly Moyles, Sharon Maher and Bryce Moyles. Mark Squibb photo