
Paradise acts on chance to replace culverts

By Chad Feehan / Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Thanks to a cost-sharing agreement between the municipal, provincial, and federal governments, Neary’s Road in Paradise is set to receive a major improvement to its culvert installations.
As the Town is already in the process of working on water and sewer in the area, the funding comes at a good time, allowing for the removal and replacement of the old culverts while the ground is already dug up.
“Now is a good time to get that done as well,” said Mayor Dan Bobbett. “We don’t want to pave over it to do it again.”
The Town enacted a stormwater management plan some years ago which required the culverts on Neary’s Road to be replaced with larger ones.
According to Bobbett, flooding was not a concern at the time of the management plan, but replacing the culverts with a bigger size is an act of prudence.
“We didn’t have any issues with flooding, overflow, or washouts or anything like that,” he said. “But with climate change you never know. We’ve seen some big storms in the last number of years, so it’s prudent to do it when the time is right, and now the time is right.”
Some of the work began last year and will continue this construction season. Bobbett is hopeful the work will finish by the end of the year.
The federal government is contributing $165,044 for the work while the provincial and municipal governments are both providing $123,783.
“Whenever there’s funding available, we take advantage of it,” said Bobbett.

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