Holyrood hires its first female fire chief
By Craig Westcott
Holyrood council has moved quickly to fill two senior management roles that opened last month, but it will be a little longer before it does the same for a vacant seat in the chamber itself.
At last week’s public council meeting, the first since it was announced that both longtime Recreation Director Steve Martin and Fire Chief Evan Woodford were taking six month leaves of absence to pursue other senior roles with different organizations, council approved the hiring of their replacements, who will fill the slots temporarily for now.
The first post to be cemented was that of Recreation Director, which will be filled by Kyle Hawco, who has worked in the Town’s recreation department.
Councillor Sadie King, who co-chairs the recreation committee, made the motion to hire Hawco.
King said Hawco was the top choice of a hiring committee that had been appointed to fill the job. There were 21 applicants.
“After a screening process, four individuals were interviewed and Kyle was the candidate who scored highest on the evaluation matrix combining the resume and interview process,” King said. “Council is confident that Kyle is the appropriate candidate.”
King noted the position is a six-month replacement one for now with the possibility of permanent employment pending on what happens with the previous director, who has taken a job as executive director of Recreation NL.
“I’d just like to congratulate and welcome Kyle,” said Councillor Laura Crawley. “I’ve seen great things (from him) and my kids have come up with Kyle as a counselor through the years. He has been part of the Holyrood community, on the fire department and has worked with so many of us and so many others in the town. I’m sure he’ll be a great asset.”
Mayor Gary Goobie concurred.
“Kyle has tremendous experience working with the recreation (program) going back for several years,” said Goobie. “He worked side by side with our former Recreation Director Steve Martin with many events and activities. He knows how everything works. It’s his role now to make it all happen. But like I say, he’s got tremendous experience working with recreation and certainly serving with the volunteer fire department for many years as well, so I’m sure he’s going to be a great fit and do a wonderful job. And former Recreation Director Steve Martin, who lives in Holyrood, has assured he’ll always be around and behind the scenes to help out, as he was during the Christmas events. So, I’m sure if Kyle needs to refer on any matter it’s only a phone call to Steve, and I’m sure he’ll welcome that for sure.”
Goobie thanked all the other candidates who applied as well.
“It was a very fair system, a great hiring committee through management,” said the mayor. “We didn’t have to go out and hire a consultant to do this piece of work. There was an evaluation matrix done. We all received a copy and Kyle came out as the successful candidate with the highest score. So, we welcome him aboard. Congratulations.”
Councillor King said she too is “really looking forward” to working with Hawco.
Council made a bit of history, meanwhile, in filling the position of Fire Chief. Councillor Bruce King, who chairs council’s public safety committee, made the motion to hire Lesie Kenny, making her the first woman to hold the top post in the Fire Department.
King noted this too is a six-month replacement position with the possibility of permanent employment pending the outcome of the leave of absence requested by the previous fire chief who has a taken a senior role with Provincial Fire and Emergency Services.
“The internal search for an interim fire chief has been completed,” King said. “The process of evaluating resumes, completing interviews and follow up of references has been completed, the hiring committee has submitted the recommendations based on the results of their processes and the council has confidence, based on the recommendations of the committee, to move forward with Leslie as the interim fire chief.”
Crawley again was the first to welcome the new hire. “We worked with Leslie the last little while and it’s always been a pleasure,” she noted. “She’s always been professional and works really well, (has) a great rapport with the fire department and all of us and staff as well.”
Crawley joked she is also looking forward to being “out on the green again” with the new fire chief.
“Oh, that’s right, you’re golfing buddies,” said Mayor Goobie, laughing.
“And I certainly concur,” he added. “Leslie has certainly been with the department now for several years. Her rank was lieutenant when she was hired on and worked very closely with our former Fire Chief Evan Woodford, and learned a lot. Evan, as we all know, did a very great job as fire chief and took it to a whole new level, and I’m sure our new interim Fire Chief Leslie will pick up that tole, continue on in that role and continue to make improvements and further enhancements with the fire department.”
Goobie cautioned, however, that both Woodford and Martin have the option of returning to their respective positions, and a further determination on the appointments will be made when that period is up. “We’ll have to wait to see what happens,” he said.
In a statement released by the mayor the next day, following a ceremony in which he presented Kenney with the Fire Chief’s helmet, the new chief was quoted as thanking council for its decision.
“As interim chief, I’m humbled by the confidence placed in me to serve in this new role and look forward to working with a great team as we continue making improvements and advancements in the department,” Kenney said. “I really value, respect and appreciate our members’ dedication and commitment to the department and community, and look forward to continuing our positive relationship during my tenure as Interim Fire Chief.”
Goobie noted Kenny has been filling the role of chief since Woodford’s departure and has earned the support from department members, council and staff.
“Should he (Woodford) decide not to return to his former position, council will then decide the next step in the hiring process,” Goobie said.
Meanwhile, the by-election date to replace former councillor Curtis Buckle, who left council in December after moving to neighbouring Harbour Main, has yet to be decided. Goobie said council will discuss the matter at a private meeting on Tuesday after taking advice on it from staff.