ERSB to implement clear bag policy January 1
By Mark Squibb
December 8, 2023 Edition
While you’re out shopping for eggnog and candy canes this Christmas season, you may want to grab a box of clear garbage bags while you’re at it.
Beginning January 1, residents across the province who live in communities serviced by the Eastern Regional Service Board (ERSB) will have to start putting their garbage in clear bags.
The ERSB announced the change, which is intended to drive up recycling rates, back in June, 2023.
Under the new policy, residences are permitted one coloured ‘privacy’ bag a week. Recycling will still be put out in the regular blue recycling bags.
“The board is proud to announce this clear bag mandate,” said Chairperson Steve Tessier. “Recycling rates in our region are very low and we must do better. The board is encouraged that more people are doing their part to properly sort their discards and are making the connection between our warming climate and the unsustainable status quo. What we need is for everyone to do their part. Clear bags help improve waste management systems and gets everyone involved in protecting the environment.”
The ERSB serves over 160 communities east of Clarenville, including most of the Avalon.
The clear bag policy will only apply to communities that contract the ERSB to collect their garbage, although a number of municipalities that collect their own garbage, including Mount Pearl and St. John’s, have already introduced clear bag policies of their own.