MMSB chips in on Harbour Grace woodchipper
By Mark Squibb
The Multi-Materials Stewardship Board (MMSB) will pay the lion’s share of the cost of a new woodchipper for the Town of Harbour Grace.
The Town received three bids on the supply of a new woodchipper, and council last week voted to accept the lowest qualified bid of $9,002, HST included.
Council had requested funding from the MMSB through the board’s Community Waste Diversion Fund, and the board replied in turn by offering to cover 80 percent of the total purchase cost.
Towns, Indigenous communities, and local service districts can apply to the MMSB for up to $25,000 in funding for projects that encourage recycling. Just last year, for example, nearby Spaniard’s Bay received $10,000 for the purchase of a woodchipper.
A separate motion, meanwhile, was required to approve payment of Harbour Grace’s portion, roughly $1,800.
Councillor Gordon Stone noted that some time back council set up a GIC account to hold the money received from the sale of Town-owned lands.
“That money would be used to pay our share of partnerships, and so this is a case of that now,” explained Stone.
Both motions were approved unanimously.