Letters to the EditorOpinion

Carbon tax fueling taxpayer’s anger with MP, Liberal government

July 7, 2023

This is an e-mail I have sent to our MP Ken McDonald regarding the latest poverty tax being imposed on our province.

The action of the Federal Government is detrimental to the province of Newfoundland and Labrador.  You are elected by the people of your riding to act on our behalf in Ottawa. The taxes being imposed on fuel in my country by your government are leading people to poverty. I served our nation for 28.5 years not making half of the salary you make and now you and your government are forcing myself and all Canadian residents to seriously look at where we want to spend the rest of our lives. Carbon tax, dirty fuel tax, and all the taxes you have imposed on us are disgusting. I, along  with many Canadians, are sick and tired of the Trudeau dictatorship. You are elected by the people to represent the people. You are a puppet led by a drama teacher that has been the laughingstock of world leaders since being elected. Do as you were elected to do and stand up for our province. Explain to kids why they have nothing to eat, why mom and dad are crying themselves to sleep, why nan and pop can’t come visit. This is all because of you, the one who was elected to act on our behalf. You do not care, you have never voted against any Trudeau dictatorship rules. You are a puppet and not deserving to be our representative. Hang your head in shame. Next election you will once again make false promises and tow the Trudeau line. I will personally begin a campaign to ensure no Liberal is elected in my province again.

Get your head out of the sand and represent our province.

Shawn Dean


Seal Cove, CBS

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