Hobby farm approved for Topsail Beach Road
By Chris Lewis | Dec. 22, 2020
CBS council has approved another application from a resident wanting to operate a hobby farm.
Applications for urban agriculture permits — or hobby farming — have been more frequent in the past two years.
Planning committee chairman presented the latest one, for the property at 15 Topsail Beach Road, during council’s December 15 meeting.
The motion, which was approved unanimously by council, allows hobby farming as an ancillary use on the property.
The application was given a few rules however: no more than five hens, ducks or geese can be kept at any given time, and the animals must be contained within the property at all times.
As well, council wanted to make sure that any small structures such as chicken coops be built in accordance with the Town’s accessory building regulations.
“Some residents here (want) to get into hobby farming,” Hillier said. “This is the agreement that we’ve come to as a committee that we wanted to bring forward with some conditions.”