CBS purchases weather station for top of Legion Road
By Mark Squibb
CBS council last week voted to purchase a Climate Change Weather Station at a cost of $30,000.
“The Town is very thrilled right now to be able to partner with the Department of Environment and Climate Change to see a weather station installed in our community,” said Ward 4 councillor Melissa Hardy. “It’s going to help us with our monitoring and recording of the weather events in the area.”
Hardy said the station is tentatively set to be installed in late spring or early summer at the Gateway off Legion Road, and that weather information would be available a few months afterward.
The station will measure temperature, precipitation, wind speed and direction, relative humidity, atmospheric pressure, soil moisture, and more.
Councillor-at-large Joshua Barrett said the data collected will be used to better predict the climate in times to come, and the purchase is a great investment.
The motion was approved unanimously.