What’s Happening
For a wonderful grand time Orangeman’s Day, July 10, 2023, Prince of Orange, LOL #23, 12 Middle Bight Road, Kelligrews. Doors open at Noon, soup and sandwiches served. Followed by a game of cards, with all the usual prizes, door prize and spins. All are welcome – come and bring a friend. Cost $10.00
Weather permitting, Tai Chi by the Sea invites CBS residents to join us for some free Tai Chi practice Wednesday, July 12th at 10 a.m. at Parsons Memorial Park in Seal Cove.
Cemetery service at Seal Cove Pentecostal cemetery, weather permitting, July 16th at 3 p.m. If you’d like to make a donation in memory of a loved one, please submit it to the church by Wednesday 12th July. Feel free to bring a lawn chair along to the service.
Topsail United Church annual Flower Services are as Scheduled: Upper Gullies July 16th at 2 p.m., Long Pond July 16th at 3 p.m., and Topsail Cemetery July 23 at 2 p.m. Weather Permitting.
Seniors event: story, discussion, library tour and tea. July 20 @ 2:00 pm. Free. Register by call CBS Library 709-834-3620. Sponsored By: CBS Library Board.
All Saints Parish Flower Services at All Saints Parish will be held on the following dates with the service beginning at 2 p.m. Dunn’s Hill Cemetery – July 30th and Church Road Cemetery August 6th. If the weather is unsuitable, service will take place in the cemetery on the following evening at 7 p.m.
Paradise Rotary Youth – Community Centre. Paradise 50+ Adventure Club Card Game, Bingo, 50/50 and Door Prize every Thursday at 1:30 p.m. Darts every Monday at 1:30 p.m.
Canadian Legion Holyrood, Branch 64 is excited to announce the guest line up for our Kitchen Parties. Our first hosts will be Bart and Marion McCarthy followed up by the Friggers on July 7. Our next host that we are pleased to have is Bob Redmond on July 21. More great artists to be announced. All are welcome to come with or without instruments and join in on a great time. July 9th we are having the Roddy Cup Mixed Dart tournament. Limited space available for this one. Please phone the Branch to reserve your spot. July 13th we will be hosting a Cornhole Tournament with proceeds going to our Wall of Honour. A,B &C Divisions and bags fly at 7 p.m. Please call the branch at 229-4041 for more details. Please remember our hall is available to rent for all occasions and catering can be available with a phone call..709-229-4041.
Star of the Sea Holyrood will be holding an adult dance on Wednesday the 12th of July, 2023 at 9 p.m. Cover charge $10 at the door. Music by Brian Flannigan. Come out for an evening of fun, music and dance.
Did you know that Legion members get a free hall rental? Your $50 yearly membership gives you one hall rental per year, membership pricing on drinks and admission to events and free pool. The hall is available for rental to non members for $200. Need a place for your reception, birthday party or family rebellion (not a typo), call the branch for availability at 709-229-4101. Starting June 30th, every Friday night we will be having a Kitchen Party. Many great bands coming to play, list will be provided when available. Bring your instruments and join in on a great time.
Cape Broyle Chase the Ace in aid of Cape Broyle Church Committee. Riverside Lounge, Cape Broyle, Sunday evenings beginning at 5:45 p.m. Ticket sales end at 7:30 p.m. and the draw takes place at 7:45 p.m. Come support our efforts to buy back our historic Church.
E-mail your PSAs to notices@theshoreline.ca. Please use proper spelling and punctuation. Limit 35 words or less. Do not use all capital letters or exclamation marks. Space is provided, when available, free of charge to Church groups and charities only. Groups that charge their members registration fees, including sports associations and non-profits, should call 834-2169 for advertising rates. Deadline is 5 p.m. on the Friday before the week of publication.