
‘Breaking News! – This is historic’

By Bill Bowman

Breaking News!!!

CNN’s standard, favorite, but tiresome and hackneyed kicker just didn’t cut it for the earth shattering bombshell they broke last week. For effect, some of their star anchors, like Erin Burnette and Anderson Cooper had to add: “This is historic!’ That was just in case there may have been one or two doubting Thomases left out there among their viewers still skeptical about the weight of the next shoe that was about to drop.

What was so historic as to warrant such urgent, almost frenzied tones in their voices? It must have been something more earth shattering than having a sitting president resign while still in office. After all, Richard Nixon had already been there, done that, and had the T shirt, back in 1974, to avoid the inevitable, impeachment.

More than two decades later, Bill Clinton was impeached, but acquitted of committing perjury under oath. That after making his famous statement, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinski.”

But this particular president, in this century, had already made history with the dubious distinction of getting himself impeached, not once but twice.

Now, for the first time in American history, POTUS (President of the United States) was about to be indicted for a crime against the American people. The historic arraignment was scheduled to be held in a New York City court of law.

Day in Infamy

Tuesday, April 4, in the year of our Lord 2023, was another day being touted “to live in infamy,” perhaps even more so than F.D.R.’s Pearl Harbour prediction during WW2.

At the time of this writing we don’t know what they are, but some 30 charges were expected to be laid against the former leader of the free world, something to do with payments of hush money to porn star Stormy Daniels to keep her mouth shut about an affair she was alleged to have had with the presidential candidate in 2016.

April Fools

Had they chosen last Saturday April 1 for their day in court, Republicans would have cried it was all just some kind of All Fools’ Day Democrat prank. ReTrumplicans have already labelled it another witch hunt, like the Mueller Inquiry, and impeachment hearings.

Due to the Good Friday holiday, this had to be written for an earlier deadline, before Tuesday. So, as of this writing, we have no earthly inkling, no way of knowing if the Republicans’ Savior, Lord and Master of the Universe, carried his cross through the streets of Manhattan collecting campaign alms along the way. En route to the courthouse, did he whip out a Magnum and take a shot at some poor innocent left-wing Scribe or Pharisee on 5th Aveneu just to elevate his popularity to new heights, as he once prophesied, he could? Or did he take a stroll on, not along, the Hudson or East River just to stretch his legs?

Did “all Hell break loose” again, as his sometimes buddy Steve Bannon had correctly and accurately predicted the day before the January 6 insurrection took place at the stately Capital Building, where five innocent people lost their lives on another dark day that should also “live in infamy?”

Queen of Conspiracy Theories

Did the shrill Marjory Taylor-Green, the Queen of conspiracy theories, pass a brick and go to Hell when the crowd in the Big Apple failed to fall at her protesting feet? Among the tidbits we did learn before deadline is that by the time they passed around the golden collection plate, leading up to his indictment, Trump’s disciples had already gathered some $7 million for his third election campaign war chest. Yes, this will be his third time throwing his red baseball cap into the presidential ring. And you thought candidates are only permitted to run twice? You can run more than twice, but only allowed to serve two consecutive terms. Term limits were introduced in 1948, after President Roosevelt had died in office while serving his third term. V.P. Harry Truman finished the term and was elected in 1948 to his first and only full term. Trump won his first election bid, defeating Hilary Clinton, but lost his second to current President Joe Biden, something the twice impeached, now indicted candidate has never been able to swallow.

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