Carbonear announces new committee heads
By Staff/November 18, 2021
The composition of council’s four standing committees was one of the first items of business settled at last week’s public council meeting.
Councilor Chris O’Grady will chair Carbonear’s administration and finance committee this year with councillor Peter Snow also serving on it.
Snow will also serve on the economic development and land use development committee, which is being chaired by councilor Danielle Doyle.
The public works, waste management and community services committee will be headed by Deputy Mayor Sam Slade with councilor Malcolm Seymour also serving.
Seymour will chair the recreation and special events committee, which includes also councilor Ray Noel.
Mayor Frank Butt and chief administrative officer Cathy Somers are both ex officio members of all the committees, which means they can attend any of the meetings. The committees also include the respective department heads who work for the Town.
CAO Somers also announced council’s liaisons to various external committees in the town. Serving on the Conception Bay North Joint Council will be Mayor Butt and councillor O’Grady, who will also sit on the board of the Princess Sheila Nageira Threatre. Councilor Doyle will be the liaison with the Carbonear Special Events Committee. Deputy Mayor Slade will represent council on the Carbonear Heritage committee, and councillor Noel will sit on the Carbonear Harbour Authority.
Mayor Butt will represent Carbonear on Municipalities Newfoundland and Labrador’s (MNL) urban municipalities committee with Slade as his alternate.