Disgusted with Bell, but not surprised in both Paradise and Salmonier
I just read the article about the crappy cell phone service on the Southern Shore and Holyrood etcetera.
I have a cabin in Deer Park about 100 meters off the Salmonier Line. No mountains or obstruction to impede a signal. The cell phone signal is so bad we have to bring two cell phones and hope one of them will work if we stand on our deck and face west on a clear day. I kid you not, the chances of getting a call to go through are slim to nil.
Yes, the comment that we are getting complacent is a valid one as this has been the case here since cell phones were invented.
Bell certainly knows it is providing terrible coverage, I am positive, but to fix it will cost money and they are not going to do it.
The only way this will get resolved is if they are forced to do it by the Newfoundland government or the CRTC.
Individuals calling in every time a call drops is an utter waste of time because they simply do not care.
Yes, the fees are outrageous, but that’s what you get with monopolies.
That’s my two cents worth.
Signed – disgusted and not surprised.
Neil Noel,