What’s Happening
All Saints Parish Flower Services at All Saints Parish will be held on the following dates with the service beginning at 2 p.m. Dunn’s Hill Cemetery – July 30th and Church Road Cemetery August 6th. If the weather is unsuitable, service will take place in the cemetery on the following evening at 7 p.m.
All Saints Parish, Foxtrap are hosting an outdoor Flea Market on Saturday, August 5th, 2023 from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Moose burgers, hamburgers, hot dogs and soda will be sold from 12 noon to 1:30 p.m. You can rent a table for $15 or 2 tables for $25. For info: Sandra 709-240-2114 or Barb 709-834-4795.
Paradise Rotary Youth – Community Centre. Paradise 50+ Adventure Club Card Game, Bingo, 50/50 and Door Prize every Thursday at 1:30 p.m. Darts every Monday at 1:30 p.m. For further information about our club and our programs, please call 709 730-0950.
Royal Canadian Legion Branch 64 Holyrood – Our Friday Night Kitchen Parties are continuing to be a lot of fun for everyone. With such great performers as Brian Finn. August 4th Brian Flannigan, August 11th Bill Beer, August 18th Bob Redmond, August 25th Bart and Marion McCarthy, September 1st Brian Flannigan. Come out for a fun night and feel free to bring your instruments. Our hall is available for rent and catering is available. With your $50 annual membership you are eligible for discount drinks and 1 free hall rental a year. There are many other discounts available at legion.ca
The Star of the Sea, Holyrood will host an adult dance on August 2nd at 900 p.m. Music by Freddie Lee. Cover $10.
Saturday, August 5th: The Carbonear Library Board is hosting a BIG Book Sale raising funds for the Library at the Princess Sheila Senior’s Building, 163 Water Street (next to Honda Town), from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. A wide selection includes Mysteries, Novels, Nfld. Books, Children’s Books, Romance, Science Fiction, Puzzles etc. Please bring your own bag.
Cape Broyle Chase the Ace in aid of Cape Broyle Church Committee. Riverside Lounge, Cape Broyle, Sunday evenings beginning at 5:45 p.m. Ticket sales end at 7:30 p.m. and the draw takes place at 7:45 p.m. Come support our efforts to buy back our historic Church.
Annual Cemetery Mass Old Fashioned Cold Plate with Real Turkey. Hosted by Legion Ladies Auxiliary Sunday, August 20th immediately following Cemetery Mass. Cost $14 Kids Nugget Meal 12 & under $6/ over 12 years/$8 TAKE OUT AVAILABLE .To order tickets call Patti at 709 525-2664 or Legion at 709 525-2712 . Tickets to be paid for by Thursday, Aug 17th. EMT Accepted @ pattircorcoran@hotmail.com.
E-mail your PSAs to notices@theshoreline.ca. Please use proper spelling and punctuation. Limit 35 words or less. Do not use all capital letters or exclamation marks. Space is provided, when available, free of charge to Church groups and charities only. Groups that charge their members registration fees, including sports associations and non-profits, should call 834-2169 for advertising rates. Deadline is 5 p.m. on the Friday before the week of publication.