Paradise awards contract to skate sharpening shop Double Ice Complex
By Mark Squibb/January 6, 2022
The Town of Paradise has approved a skate sharpener for the Double Ice Complex—which remains closed due to the latest surge in COVID-19 cases.
The skate sharpening shop contract was up for renewal, so council recently issued a request for proposals. The only proposal received was from the current provider, Custom Edge Sport.
Council awarded Custom Edge the contract for skate sharpening and pro shop services, resulting in six percent of sales, at approximately $5,000 a year.
The Town of Paradise closed the arena, along with the Town Hall, on Wednesday, December 22 to coincide with the province’s move into Alert Level 3.
With the move to Alert Leve 4 on Wednesday, January 5, it’s unlikely the facilities will be opening anytime soon.
During that same meeting, council also approved a five-year agreement for food service at the Paradise Double Ice Complex, as previously reported in The Shoreline.