CommunityCouncilTop Story

Traffic calming measures not as effective as hoped

As per the Town of Paradise infrastructure committee, recent traffic calming measures taken along Clearview Heights, including the use of rubber curbs and lane markers, has resulted in a four percent decrease in speed.

But members of council had hoped for an even larger decrease.

“Let’s be clear— any reduction in speed is a good thing,” said councillor Larry Vaters. “We want to have safe neighbourhoods and safe streets in our towns, so any reduction is good. But when we installed these, if I recall correctly, on Trails End for example, there were sizeable decreases in speed. So, they certainly had a significant impact in that particular area. With a four percent decrease in speed, it seems as though it’s not having as much of an impact, and I’m just wondering what other discussions may be happening at a committee level with respect to traffic calming in that particular area, and if there are more permanent measures being considered.”

Street agreed with Vaters assessment.

“We certainly were hoping for a better outcome to the traffic calming put in place,” said Street. “Unfortunately, it’s not the case. But we did discuss it at committee, and we believe the next step is to look at other traffic calming measures during the budget discussion.”
Street encouraged residents to report speeding to the RNC.

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