Keep us informed, asks Joy
The Shoreline | Vol. 31 No. 46 (January 30 2019)
Holyrood councillor Jim Joy is asking residents to keep the Town informed if they notice a streetlight not working.
Earlier this month, he said, Newfoundland Power had a crew repair all the lights known to be broken at that time. “So, I’d just like to say thanks to staff for following through on coordinating this work,” said Joy. “The budget figure we have this year for streetlighting is approximately $123,000 and we want to ensure that these lights are kept on as much as possible.”
Joy said Town staff conduct surveys periodically to check on the street lights, but it’s important that residents also keep council alerted when a light goes out.
In other infrastructure and public works committee news, council has approved a Prime Consultant Agreement with the Department of Municipal Affairs for a capital works project involving watermain upgrades on the Salmonier Line and North Side Road and the upgrading of the water tank on the North Side. The consulting work will be handled by Innovative Engineering of St. John’s.
Joy had to excuse himself for the discussion and vote on the awarding of the contract because he lives in an area where some of the work is slated and didn’t want to run afoul of conflict of interest rules. Fellow committee member Kevin Costello served up the motion to approve the contract.
In planning and development news, council granted approval in principal to two applications for new houses, one at 156 Country Path Road, the other at 8A Penney’s Road. Both proposed houses are located in Residential Medium Density zones. Occupancy of the houses will be contingent upon the builders meeting the Town’s development regulations.