Change orders push Paradise road over budget
By Mark Squibb
The purchase of $11,500 worth of extra material has pushed the Glendarek Drive upgrade project over budget.
Paradise Deputy Mayor Kimberley Street said the contract work is a unit-based contract, and work will be invoiced based on actual quantities.
“The quantities carried in the agreement are estimated based on design, and the actual quantities will at times differ from the quantities included in the agreement,” Street told her council colleagues earlier this month. “And so, the sidewalk at Glendarek Drive is fully installed, and the contractor is starting to tie in those driveways. This may require the driveway asphalt to be cut, and grading of the driveway be adjusted with the new sidewalk. The quantities of fill and asphalt to tie in all driveways on Glendarek is greater than what was estimated in the contract.”
The purchase of the additional material will push the project overbudget, and so cash will be carried over from the 2024 road maintenance budget to pay the bill.
The motion to approve the change order, the fifth for the project, passed unanimously without further discussion.