CBS adopts new water lot lease policy
By Chris Lewis | April 8, 2021
A water lot lease policy was approved by CBS council this week.
Councillor-at-large Cheryl Davis introduced a motion to adopt the new policy at Tuesday’s meeting, suggesting the Town hopes it will even the playing field for those looking to secure water lot leases in Long Pond.
A water lot lease allows the owner of land immediately on the shoreline to erect a permanent structure, such as a dock, onto the bed of the waterline.
According to Davis, the Town manages 31 water lot leases throughout the Inner Harbour in Long Pond and Manuels as a result of the divestiture of the inner harbour by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans back in 2016.
The policy in question was originally adopted in March of 2019 to support the management of the water lot leases. Where it has now been a full lease term of five years since the divestiture, Davis said it was prudent to review the existing policy and lease agreements to ensure they remained relevant to the modern day circumstances.
“All water lot lease holders were e-mailed the draft water lot lease policy on March 17, and the policy is included in the public agenda for this evening’s meeting for the information of the public,” Davis said.
Lease holders will be charged an annual fee for their water lot based on the size of the area they control, according to their respective surveys. Additional rules are in place for lot owners on Bishops Road, as the Town is the owner of the road, which separates properties on the land side from the lots along the shore.