
Long Pond stage won’t be venue for big concerts, says Mayor

By Chris Lewis | Mar. 11, 2021

A recent amendment to its municipal bylaws required some clarification at CBS council last week.

The rules pertain to open-space accessory uses.

The subject was raised twice at different points in the meeting, once by councillor Kirk Youden and next by Rex Hillier.

The regulations were amended as a result of the decision to develop a new community park in Long Pond. The amendments allow for the building of a small stage at the park.

Hillier said the Town received a number of comments from residents in the area, which will be evaluated over the coming weeks.

“Our hope is that the planning committee can make a recommendation on that issue, and bring it forward to our next public meeting,” Hillier said.

Mayor Terry French said the Town is not developing the park to be a nuisance to neighbours, who fear the stage will bring with it a number of noise and light pollution issues.

French said council will do everything in its power to prevent those potential problems. He also clarified that although a small stage is in the plans, it is not meant to be a concert venue.

“There’s no way that there will be big bands playing in that area,” French said. “It’s not meant for that. The intent of having a stage there was much more to the level of a tree lighting ceremony … that’s the kind of stage that we’re having. I’ll even refer to it as a nice gazebo, like something you might see at Topsail Beach.”

The stage, he continued, will be more of a raised platform than an actual stage; with not enough room for a band to set up and play.

There are still some details to be worked out, French added, including working with neighbours to ensure the small stage does not pose a problem in their daily lives.

“The intent of this park is to improve people’s livelihood in the town, and certainly not to do any bad to the people in the area,” he said.

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