CommunityCouncilTop Story

Paradise awards contract for Stephanie Avenue trailhead

By Mark Squibb

Paradise council has awarded a construction contract for the completion of the Top Pond trail.

Construction of a tail around Top Pond was recommended as part of the Elizabeth Park Refresh study completed in 2022, and a portion of the trail along the south side of the pond was constructed that same year.

Council budgeted to complete the trail, which will provide access to Top Pond from both ends of Stphanie Avenue, in 2024, and earlier this month contracted the Grand Concourse Authority to complete the work.

“The Grand Concourse Authority has provided a designing quote to construct a new trailhead utilizing town-owned property between civic number 7 and 9 to access Stephanie Avenue, and the Grand Concourse has provided a quote of $32,850 to construct this new trailhead,” said Deputy Mayor Kimberley Street.

An e-mail vote of council to award the construction contract was held October 3-4, and the motion carried unanimously. Council then ratified the decision during the October 15 public meeting.

Councillor Patrick Martin voiced his support of hiring the Grand Concourse Authority rather than seeking quotes from private contractors.

“Over the years, we’ve had a great relationship with the Grand Concourse,” said Martin. “Using Grand Concourse has proven to be more beneficial to us than using an outside contractor.”

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