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Mrs. Roper Romp

It would have been the stuff of nightmares for poor old Mr. Roper if he had been in Carbonear last Saturday for an episode of the 1970s television hit Three’s Company. There were Mrs. Ropers everywhere on Water Street. The women were on a pub crawl and on their way to the Stone Jug restaurant for a feast when they posed for this photo. It was all for a good cause with money raised from the pub crawl going towards the medical and travel expenses of Marilyn Bishop, who needs a double lung transplant. “We raised $1,200 for Marilyn and we all had a ball doing it. Win win situation,” said organizer Jennifer Sharpe. The contingent included, starting in the front row, from left: Lynnette Rose, Sara Earle, Marilyn Bishop, Josie Dawe, Winnie Neil, Donine Short, Ivy Lehr, Linda Baldwin, Marjorie Clarke; in the middle row, from left: Ada Slade, Donna Penney, Sonya Morgan, Victoria Boone, Brenda Morgan, Donette Carpenter, Jennifer Sharpe; and in the back row, from left: Kelly Antle, Madeleine Crawford, Liz Earle, Juanita Fahey, Mary Butt and Jenn Emberley. Ivan Morgan photo

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