
Paradise awards Carberry Place and Drovers Road contracts

By Mark Squibb

The Town of Paradise continues to whittle away at its water and sewer priority list, awarding contracts for work on both Carberry Place and Drovers Road this week.
Council awarded the Carberry Place water and sewer work to Irvine Engineer Ltd., at a cost of $116,911, HST included. The company scored the highest out of seven applicants.

Council awarded the Drovers Road water and sewer work to Englobe, the highest scoring of seven applicants, with a bid of $145,986, HST included
Both projects are funded by the provincial government with the Town on a 70/30 split.

Councillor Larry Vaters applauded council’s commitment to completing the priority list as quickly as possible.

“It’s great to see that we’re continuing to make progress on the water and sewer list, and hopefully in the foreseeable future, we’ll be able to say that all roads are completed,” said Vaters.

Including Carberry Place and Drovers Road, the Town has secured funding and awarded tenders for six roads on the water and sewer priority list. Stephens Road and Neary Road are expected to be completed in 2024. Windmill Road, Bayview Heights, Carberry Place, and Drovers Road are expected to be completed in 2025. A combined total of 26 homes will receive water and sewer services following completion of the six roads.

Following their completion, four roads, accounting for 30 homes, will remain on the priority list. The Town has yet to secure the funding to do the work on those roads.

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