Letters to the Editor

Let’s please save the bees

The Buzz from the Bees, an article in The Telegram May 21, 2024 by Everett Hobbs, prompted me to write this article.

I have always been an avid gardener, berry picker and grower of fruit trees and know the value of bees.

Many years have seen fruit trees loaded with blossoms, a very pretty sight but sometimes no fruit or very little all because they were not pollinated. I heard a statement from a person talking about the plight of the bee that when the last bee dies, so does mankind.

I love to see dandelions grow in the spring, the most beautiful sight, it tells us that spring is finally here.

Despite the fact everyone knows the value of the bee, I am disgusted to see so many lawns mowed in the spring so close to the ground. The lawn is brown because the grass is cut close to the roots. I had my first feed of dandelion greens on Monday, May 20th for this year and expect to have many more. It’s so healthy and so good.

Let’s all work to save the bees and mankind.

(Ret.) Capt. Wilfred Bartlett

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