September declared Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

Alexander and Michael Little, at right, have not given up their commitment to help other families
coping with a child who has cancer. The Littles visited the Conception Bay South council chamber
Tuesday evening to help Mayor Darrin Bent, left, and the rest of council declare September as
Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. The Littles lost their son and brother Kadyn to cancer nearly
four years ago. Bent saluted the family for continuing to promote the cause of the Candlelighters,
which provides a summer camp for children who are dealing with cancer, as well as their siblings.
“Childhood Cancer Awareness Month is something that is close to our hearts, because of our son,
Kadyn Little,” said Danielle. “It’s something you don’t really know about until you’re pushed into that
world with that diagnosis. But Candlelighters Newfoundland and Labrador is a great resource and
support for families like ours, and to the siblings.” The group also helps families with the questions
they need to ask about a child’s treatment and provides other social supports, as well as the
reassurance of knowing “there is somebody else who understands what’s going on,” Danielle said.