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The CBS Kin Club donate to seven different organizations

The CBS Kin Club marked the end of its fiscal year last week with a bang, donating a total of $6,100 to seven different organizations. The group donated $500 to Big Brothers/Big Sisters, $500 to the Make a Wish Foundation, $500 to Special Olympics, $500 to the 1st CBS Scouts, and $500 to the School Breakfast Program. Proceeds from the Friends Night Out project was evenly divided between Candlelighters NL and Teen Challenge Canada which each received $1,800. On hand for the cheque presentations held at Worsley Park were, starting in the front row from left: Kelly Ball of Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Alyssa Shaw of Make A Wish, Paula Bradbury of Teen Challenge Canada, Shirley Miller of Special Olympics, Maggie Burke of the 1st CBS Scouts, and Melanie Murphy of Candlelighters NL. In the back row, from left, are: Lorne Morgan, Roger Cairns, Neta Kelloway, Mayor Darrin Bent, Deborah Noseworthy, Rhonda Nugent of Co-operators Insurance and Investment Group, Lisa Smith, Sharon Maher, Gloria Evans, Don Butler, Laura Butler of Special Olympics, Dave Stone, Tracy Lawrence, David Pond, Keaira Lawrence-Pond, Christopher Stone, Kyla Flagg, Diane Butler, the president of the CB Senior Blues Hockey Club Pat Rose, and Terry Janes. Missing from the photo is Jennifer Street-Abbott, the representative from Villanova Junior High.

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