Permit applications picking up at Holyrood Town Hall
By Craig Westcott
The Town of Holyrood approved 23 permits in the four weeks leading to last week’s council meeting, a sign that spring construction season is underway.
“Those are run of the mill type activities, like new fences, general repairs, garages, a greenhouse, woodcutting, driveway paving, an occupancy, things of those nature,” said councillor Steve Winsor, who reported on the activities of the planning and development committee in place of the absent chairperson, Deputy Mayor Michelle Woodford.
Among the permits approved was an application for a home-based childcare business at 25 Highland Park. Because the approval required the discretionary authority of council, the application was advertised for public comment, as required by the Municipalities Act, but no comments were received by the deadline.
“Childcare is highly desirable and sought after right now,” said Winsor. “We’re very happy to see this home-based business come to the area. In terms of visitors and traffic to that particular street, that was reviewed. It is minimal so there are no issues from our perspective as a committee.”
Council also approved an application for an office, storage and equipment maintenance building at 152 – 166 Liam Hickey Drive, and two house building permits, one at 23 Harbour View Drive, the other at 29 Green Acres.
Council also gave its support for a Crown Land application by the Rod & Gun Club on the TransCanada Highway.