CommunityTop Story 1st CBS Scouts enthusiastic for Community Food Bank The Shoreline May 17, 2024May 21, 2024 0 Comments If there was a badge for enthusiasm, the members of the 1st CBS Scouts would have had it sewed up last Saturday as they chatted with shoppers at Sobeys in Long Pond, CBS while soliciting food and cash donations for the CBS/Paradise Community Food Bank. The group raised $275 and filled a canoe with food. The ‘Fill a Canoe’ project is one of three service projects they are working on towards earning a Seeonee Award, which is the top honour for their section. The other projects include a pet supplies drive for the SPCA, which is already completed, and the upcoming Birthday in a Bag. “The community will be able to purchase a birthday in a bag, which will then be donated to organizations for families in need,” said spokesperson Andrea Bishop. “The bags will have supplies for a family birthday party.” On hand for the Fill a Canoe project were, from left: Scouter Nichole Molloy, Declan Sears, Colby Molloy, Quinton Scott, Alexander Jackman, William Bishop, and Scouter Andrea Bishop. Craig Westcott photo