Danny Cleary centre in the black
By Mark Squibb
Harbour Grace councillor Gordon Stone was pleased to inform his fellow members of council last week that the Danny Cleary Centre, year to date, is in the black.
“As a council, we have worked very hard to bring this beautiful resource to it’s maximum potential,” said Stone, who reported the facility’s operation report from January 1 to March 12 reported income of $25,834.
“That’s a really positive turn of events,” said Stone. “Everyone has worked hard to get here.”
The cost of running the multi-million-dollar facility has weighed heavily on council in recent years.
In Budget 2023 council approved closure of the facility from May until September, citing the high cost of running it. Council later stepped back from that decision, first by voting to re-open the building in August instead of October, and then at a later meeting voting to keep the centre open year-round. Budget 2023 also saw ice rental fee increases, although council voted in February to review ice time rentals to determine if users were owed a credit, citing a miscommunication of the fee increases.
Council also asked the Province last year to subsidize the operations of the centre, arguing that the facility serves the whole region, but was unsuccessful in the attempt.
The facility, named for professional hockey player Daniel Cleary, a Harbour Grace native and the first player from this province to hoist a Stanley Cup, houses a skating rink, community spaces, and an indoor walking trail.