Holyrood gets the dough for new community centre
By Mark Squibb
Holyrood council last week voted to accept 2023-2026 multi-year capital works funding in the amount of $908,060 to help offset the cost of building a new community centre.
Councillor Laura Crawley put forward the motion, and councillor Sadie King, who has been vocal about her belief that the community needs a new centre, was quick to second the motion, which prompted laughter from around the table.
“Your face just lit up, councillor King,” Mayor Gary Goobie said.
“This has obviously been brought up before,” said Crawley. “In 2023, we approved the money for the design, a detailed design of the community centre, with the hope that we were going to, fingers crossed, get this funding. And we did.”
That budget for the design was around $100,000, much of which was covered by the provincial government.
Crawley also responded to social media naysayers asking about the promised new center.
“This takes time, and obviously a lot of money,” said Crawley. “And we have the money now, or at least a chunk of it.”
Goobie called the project both ambitious and exciting.
“We’re all beaming with excitement,” said Goobie. “It will benefit everyone of all ages from tots to seniors and everyone in between. That’s why it’s a multi- purpose facility. Yeah, it’s good news.”