Paradise reworks policies governing its trails
By Chad Feehan / Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
Outdoor enthusiasts in Paradise will soon see more amenities around the town’s parks and trail system.
During a council meeting held on December 19, council approved the purchase of 10 waste bins, six in-ground benches, and between four and nine bike racks.
“As the town continues to expand, keeping our parks and trails in top shape is crucial,” said Councillor Patrick Martin. “Adding more seating, waste bins and bike racks will enhance everyone’s outdoor experience and will encourage more residents to enjoy the beauty of the town.”
Money for the items will come from the recreation and community services budget, and will be purchased from U-Line Canada for $10,745 plus HST.
Also in 2024, a new trail will connect Trenton Drive to Octagon Pond Elementary School in the Emerald Ridge subdivision. In his budget speech last month, Martin said the design of the trail will keep inclusivity and accessibility in mind.
In addition to these upgrades, The Town’s trails policies have received some close attention in order to avoid superfluous internal bureaucracy.
Due to the availability of guidelines and procedures regarding maintenance, risk management, leasing, litter management, and acceptable and unacceptable usage of the trails in other departmental policies, the 2014 Recreation Trails Policy has been rescinded outright.
Animal leashing will be covered in the animal control policy, litter and nuisance issues will be covered in the anti-litter regulations, and general maintenance as well as risk and use of signage will be covered under public works.
“This will assist in organization and efficiency and eliminating the overlap will avoid unnecessary organization,” said Councillor Larry Vaters about the change.