Thank you for the clear perspective on the conflict
November 17, 2023 Edition
My wife Deirdre and I have just finished reading your piece in the latest Shoreline News – a full page on the current conflict in the Middle East. We both found it to be the best piece we have read on the conflict. Not only was it extremely well written but also the most incisive piece we have read or heard so far. A piece which brings the conflict into sharp relief when juxtaposed against the history and background which has led to this horrific situation. We subscribe to a live TV channel which gives us real-time access to all UK TV channels and many others around the world. While there is a tremendous amount of reportage to do with the conflict, we have both felt that your piece was the most concise and clear perspective on the conflict and in particular its genesis.
The most troubling outcome of the all-consuming news coverage is that the devastating conflict in Ukraine has been abandoned by all media outlets. I always expected Russia and maybe China et al., would make moves when the world’s backs are turned, and so they have. Russia has stepped up its bombardments and today is threatening to do more nuclear missile tests. China is buzzing UK planes in international waters in the south China Seas. They always move when the world’s attention is elsewhere, or its back is turned as it is now. Perhaps there’s an opportunity for another full-page Westcott editorial on the forgotten conflict in Ukraine and the risks to that country when the world’s media rushes headlong into a new, fresh and dare I say exciting story.
Best regards, keep up the good work.
Peter Gardner,
St. Philips