Connors pleased with successful ATV run
By Mark Squibb
November 17, 2023 Edition
Conception Bay South Councillor-at-Large Paul Connors says an ATV Run held last weekend was a hit.
“It was a huge success, and it really showed what the ATV community here in Conception Bay South is all about,” said Connors, who chairs the Town’s ATV committee. “There were 90-plus bikes involved and upwards of 200 people participated. We rode from the end of Legion Road into Tilley’s Road. It wasn’t a long run, and I did promise them when I spoke at the gathering at the end of Tilley’s Road that we will find a longer run for next summer. So, there was lots of positive feedback, and everybody was so excited that there was something being planned, something being organized for the ATV community.”
Mayor Darrin Bent extended his thanks to the committee and members of the Town’s recreation staff who were involved in the event.
“It was great to see so many out,” said Bent. “It was such a positive atmosphere and such a great group of people.”
Bent said in his view CBS “definitely” needs to host more runs in the future, maybe even as many as two or three a year.
The event was held to coincide with the Town’s 50th anniversary, and attendees were treated to a BBQ.