What’s Happening
Worsley Park: Tuesday night cards at 8 p.m., Wednesday afternoon cards at 2 p.m., every second Thursday Bingo at 2 p.m., Friday darts at 2 p.m.
Royal Canadian Legion Branch 50 Kelligrews, Open Mic at 7 p.m. Friday, October 13th. Doors open at 6 p.m., starts at 7 p.m. $5 at the door.
All Saints Open Mic will be resuming on Saturday, October 14th. Doors open at 7 p.m., Show starts at 7:30 p.m. Cover charge on door will be $5.00, Canteen services, Come Along to entertain or be entertained and bring a friend.
The CBS CLB Old Comrades Lodge #2 will be celebrating their 40th Anniversary with a dinner and dance at All Saints Parish Hall on Friday, October 20th, at 7 p.m. We welcome members of the public and especially former Comrades. Tickets are $25 single and can be obtained at the Parish Hall office at 709-834-4501 before October 16th.
Free Lifestyle Clinic Tuesday October 17, 2023; 7:00 pm at the Lions Club House, 10 Minerals Road, CBS; sponsored by Avalon Northeast Rotary. Nurses check blood pressure, weight and blood sugar levels. While there have a chat and enjoy a snack. Door prize awarded. Contact: Mike Siscoe, 765-7103 or Beulah Morgan, 744-2018.
Topsail United Church will be holding a Flea Market on Saturday October 21 from 9:30 until 1 P.M. Admission $ 1, All are Welcome. Also a Beans & Bologna Supper served with Bread, Dessert, Tea, Coffee on Wednesday November 8 from, 5;30 until 7 P.M., Cost $12 Adults, $8 Children. Please reserve your tickets by calling the church office at 834-4567, Entertainment will follow.
“The Star of the Sea, Holyrood will be sponsoring an adult dance at the Shamrock Room on October 21st, 2023 at 9:00 p.m. Cover $10.00 Music by Brian Finn.”
The NGA 50+ Club Holyrood will hold a cold plate dinner and dance at the Star of the Sea on Friday, October 13th at 7:00 p.m. Music by Contraband Cost $15. For tickets, call Sadi at 229-4094 or Mary at 229-7850 by Monday, October 9th.
Branch 64 Royal Canadian Legion Holyrood Happenings: Greg Kennedy Memorial Dart Tournament November 4th. Registration at 10 a.m. Also, our branch is now accepting recyclables. Funds raised will go to aid our veterans programs and can be dropped off in the bin at the rear of the building. You can also mark your bags with the branch phone number 709-229-4041 if you take them in yourself. We ask that folks kindly remove caps from their donations.
Have you ever considered how you can best help Canadian Veterans? Starting immediately our branch will be accepting your recyclables. All proceeds will go to our veteran programs to aid in their needs. Drop offs can go to our side patio and we will take them to the Green Depot for you. Looking for something to do on Friday nights? Our fall and winter dart league has started and new players are always welcome. $5 to play and teams change weekly. Ladies Darts continues on Tuesday night. We now offer a great selection of Craft and non-alcoholic beer that changes frequently.
Paradise Rotary Youth – Community Centre. Paradise 50+ Adventure Club Card Game, Bingo, 50/50 and Door Prize every Thursday at 1:30 p.m. Darts every Monday at 1:30 p.m. For further information about our club and our programs, please call 709 730-0950.
Return of Chase the Ace by the Cape Broyle Church Committee. Starting Jackpot $1,500 at Riverside Restaurant and Lounge. Ticket sales from 5:30 p.m. – 7:15 p.m. Draw at 7:30 p.m. Also 50/50 tickets on sale.
Annual Legion Cup for the Eugene Breen Memorial Dart Tournament, Riverhead, St. Mary’s Bay. Saturday October 21st. Two men two women teams. Registration starts 9 a.m. $40 team. First 20 teams registered to play. Deadline to Register is Sept 18th. Call Paul 709-525-2638 to register.
Variety Concert Legion Riverhead S.M.B., Saturday November 4th. Doors open 7 p.m. Concert starts 8 p.m. $10 cover 19 years and older. Ticket spins, skits, music, Lip Syncs. Good time to be had. Dance to follow: music by Kevin Butler.
Christmas Craft Fair at the Legion Riverhead S.M.B., Saturday, November 19th 10 a.m. til 3 p.m. Over 35 tables. Lots of regular vendors with many new ones. Admission $2. 50/50 Tickets for sale. Canteen services available.
E-mail your PSAs to notices@theshoreline.ca. Please use proper spelling and punctuation. Limit 35 words or less. Do not use all capital letters or exclamation marks. Space is provided, when available, free of charge to Church groups and charities only. Groups that charge their members registration fees, including sports associations and non-profits, should call 834-2169 for advertising rates. Deadline is 5 p.m. on the Friday before the week of publication.