Ferryland volunteers a good mix of old hands and young
By Mark Squibb
October 6, 2023
The Ferryland Volunteer Fire Department is gearing up for another week of Fire Prevention activities with local schools.
“We’re going to explain the ins-and-outs of fire prevention, and what to look for and what you need to have in your home,” said Fire Chief Algy Windsor. “We talk with each class and explain how important it is to have a smoke detector and a fire plan and a muster station. Then we give them a snack, run through the trucks, and then send them back to their classes.”
Windsor credits fire prevention activities with a decrease in fire calls and an increase in fire safety awareness in the region covered by the department.
“The kids bring the message home and the parents are adhering to what they’re telling them,” said Windsor.
Still, there are times when firefighters are called into action — just two weeks ago, on September 23, firefighters from Ferryland and Fermeuse were called to battle a major blaze in Calvert. One resident was injured on the scene. The RCMP are investigating the cause of the fire.
“The house burned to the ground,” said Windsor. “There was nothing left. We don’t get many (fire) calls. Last year we had five or six calls and they were minor. But now, we had a major fire and that house is gone.”
Windsor said that access to water due to a lack of fire hydrants has been a problem in the past, but that the purchase of a new tanker truck capable of holding 1,650 gallons of water back in 2022 seems to have quelled that issue.
The Town split the purchase of the new truck, which came with a price tag of $367,000, with the provincial government on a 20/80 ratio. The deal left Ferryland on the hook for only about $67,000.
Windsor added the department some years back bought some $80,000 in new gear to outfit members from head to toe for years to come.
Windsor, who joined the department in 1978 and has served as chief for the last 30 years, said the department boasts about 20 members, including three young men who joined within the last year.
“We have a pretty good bunch,” said Windsor. “Our department is mostly older fellows, but I need them too because they have the most experience. I can’t do without them. But it’s nice to see the young people coming in, because one day they’re going to have to take over the fire department. And they’re good members. They’re right into it.”
A fourth young fellow is set to join in the coming weeks.
If you are interested in applying, Windsor said to simply send in a resume and wait for a call.