Paradise pole policy slows speedsters
By Mark Squibb / September 8, 2023
Whether you like them or not, the poles planted in the road all up and down along Trails End Drive are doing a good job of slowing traffic, according to data gathered by the Town of Paradise.
At six different locations along Trails End, groupings of poles spread across the road allowing just enough room for vehicles to pass through were installed earlier this summer.
Councillor Glen Carew, who has questioned the efficiency of the measures in the past, asked members of the infrastructure committee whether there was any hard data collected to show if the measures are working.
Committee member Larry Vaters said indeed there was.
“The data shows an overall reduction speed of seven kilometres per hour since the traffic calming devices were installed,” said Vaters. “The enforcement rating went from medium to low with installation of the traffic calming devices. And, the percentage of vehicles traveling above the enforcement tolerance, that’s the speed limit plus five kilometres per hour, went from 72 percent to 30 percent in the northbound lane and from 60 percent to 23 percent in the southbound lane, and I call that success.”
Councillor Carew added that over the weekend, he parked along Lanark Drive and noticed that traffic ‘bump outs’ installed in the area appear to be forcing drivers to slow down as well.
“I’m sitting in my vehicle, and I’m seeing vehicles having to slow down as they come up on the curb,” said Carew. “It looks like mission accomplished right there on that corner. And I spoke to a resident who lives on that corner, and she was always worried that she had to get in her driveway quick because cars were coming so fast, but I tell you, they’re not coming around fast anymore, so it looks like that particular piece is doing its work.”
Earlier in the meeting, during her planning committee update, Deputy Mayor Kimberley Street noted the Town has used photo radar to document traffic activity along Carlise Drive this past June.
“The radar captured 11,748 (vehicle passes), and all vehicles were driving over the speed limit,” said Street.
Council typically employs the use of speed cameras to gather data throughout town.