Paradise girls prove the best at bat
By Mark Squibb / September 8, 2023
The Paradise Phantoms are the female 14UAA provincial champions following an intense weekend of competition last month.
The Paradise girls came out hitting and kept it up all game in Game 1 against Corner Brook winning 14-4.
The girls next took on Grand Falls, winning 15-3, thanks to high scoring batters (scoring 3 runs per inning) and solid pitching.
Saturday morning the girls took on the girls from Bay St. George, who until then were undefeated. Bay St. George were up 12-11, but the Phantoms hit a hot streak and scored 12 runs in the top of the sixth to win the game 23-16.
Sunday morning the Phantoms went up against the St. John’s Caps, who were fighting for a playoff spot. The Caps put up runs every inning and kept the Phantoms at bay, but the Paradisers bounced back and squeaked out a win.
“Mount Pearl was putting up a few runs and we kept with them as both teams were playing good defense,” said assistant coach Peter Picco, describing the final game. “After five innings we found ourselves down 9-6.”
With some great at-bats and with patience Paradise staged a come back, with Alicia Kelly scoring the winning run.
“This team had a game plan going into this tournament after winning two of the three previous tournaments for 14 UAA,” said Picco. “The plan never waivered regardless of the opponent or the score of any game. Everyone had a job to do… They relied on each other on and off the field, they supported each other all season. Baseball is a game of ups and downs, a game of mistakes, to win is how you react to those ups and downs and mistakes. This team is a true testimony to that. To win a championship takes a village of parents, coaches, players. Our Paradise Phantoms are one of the best.”

from left: assistant coach Mark Walsh, Lexi Walsh, Sierra Curtis, Alicia Kelly, Sydney Oliver, Georgia Noseworthy, Lauren Picco, Kaitlin
Brake, Avery Durdle, Emma Howell, Olivia Murphy, and assistant coach Sharon Durdle; and in the front, from left: assistant coach
Peter Picco, bat girl Chloe Lush, Rachel Lush, Lindsay Rideout, and Lola Butland. Missing from the photo is head coach Sam Oliver.