Leaky roof at arena puts temporary hole in plans for skateboard park
By Craig Westcott / August 25, 2023
Bay Roberts councillors have agreed to delay a skateboard pump track and divert most of the $25,000 that was allocated for it this year towards repairs for the Bay Arena instead.
A pump track is a closed loop of bumps, berms and rises favoured by skateboarders.
Mayor Walter Yetman said last week that council had received a recommendation from its director of recreation, Dave Tibbo, to move the money.
Chief administrative officer Nigel Black noted the recommendation came in the form of a report with several other recommendations.
“Basically, he’s looking for permission to reallocate the $25,000 budget that was originally allocated for the skate park pump track for repairs to the stadium roof because of the leaks that we’ve been having, in the amount of $19,500 plus HST,” Black said. “He’s suggested that the pump track remain on council’s agenda, but that the delivery time would mean you wouldn’t get it in this season anyway, and it’s going to cost substantially more than budgeted.”
Black said when staff checked with a manufacturer on the cost of the pump track, it turned out to be closer to $65,000, which is significantly more than the amount that had been estimated and budgeted for it.
“So, it is something we will have to budget for in 2024,” Black said.
Councillor Dean Franey moved to accept Tibbo’s suggestion and push the pump track to next year’s budget plan.
Mayor Yetman added the motion should also include the director’s recommendation that the Town hire Crane Services Ltd., to undertake the roof repairs.
“It’s pretty straightforward,” allowed councillor Silas Badcock.
The motion carried unanimously.