An easy remedy for the problem of discarded fish guts
Regarding the story in The Shoreline of July 28, “An offal mess” with a complaint by Rene Perrin about of leftover cod remains on beach from the recreational cod fishery; I too witnessed that on a hot day. What a smell around a beautiful beach used by a lot of people.
But it’s very easy to remedy and obtain more fillet for your freezer.
Gut your fish at sea, throw the stomachs overboard, the gulls will eat the liver and stomach contents and the rest goes to the bottom to feed other fish like the cod. Then at the wharf when you fillet your fish, all that will be left will be the head and main bone and bits of fins which when thrown over the deep part of the wharf (the head) will sink to the bottom and be eaten by the crab and connors or other bottom feeders. In other words, recycling. It is also very useful to anyone with gardens, And makes good fertilizer when buried in the ground.
I never did throw away the belly part of the cod. It is good fillet. Also the large fin part next to the head, when thrown in a pot of hot water with a few spuds, makes a feed fit for a king.
Not only are you getting more fish for the same amount of gas, but you can also do your part to keep this beautiful town of CBS clean (something we can all be proud off).
(Ret.) Capt. Wilfred Bartlett
Conception Bay South