The ladies choir Avalon Voices, based out of Musically Inclined in CBS, will travel to Niagara Falls on May 16 to compete in a national music festival. The group has been together 10 years and its members are looking forward to expanding their horizons and competing at an out of province music festival, said spokesperson Keri Kao. “We were originally supposed to travel to New York in 2020, which of course was cancelled,” she added. “We decided to stay within Canada so they auditioned for MusicFest in 2022 and were accepted, and that was again cancelled. So, the 3rd time seems to be the charm and six years later after the initial planning began, we are finally on our way.” MusicFest welcomes choirs and concert bands from across the country to compete at a national level and take part in adjudications, workshops, and educational concerts. The members of Avalon Voices include, starting in the back row, from left: Keri Kao, Sarah Finch, Heidi Boyd, Sarah Pike, Sheila Mercer, Ashley Howell, Alyssa McGrath, Sheila Trenholm, and Diane Kavanaugh; and in the front row, from left: Kelly Watton, Lisa Power, Kelly Dawe, Olivia Dawe, Michelle Button, Krysta Slade, and Tricia Warford.