Once and done for senior’s tax discount status from now
By Craig Westcott/December 16, 2021
CBS council has clarified its Senior’s Tax Incentive policy for the benefit of those who take advantage of it every year.
In the past, residents who wanted the five per cent discount – up to a maximum of $100 – had to contact the Town every year and show identification proving they qualified for it.
In 2022 it will be a little easier.
“If you have received it in the past, I would ask that you ask for it (again) and we won’t request any ID at that time,” said Finance Director Liz Davis. “But if you haven’t received it in the past, you will have to provide proof of age.”
That was good news for Mayor Darrin Bent, who requested the explanation.
“So, if you’ve received the Senior’s Tax Incentive in the past, we ask that you just contact us and let us know,” repeated the mayor. “And we’ll continue with that. You don’t have to provide any ID again. And if you’re new to this, you’ve got to do it once and then you don’t have to do it again. And of course, we’re asking people to let us know if there is any change in residence and so forth. To me this is fantastic.”
Bent acknowledged that many seniors who have benefitted from the discount in the past have complained that they have to ask for it every year instead of seeing it automatically applied once they turn 65.
“I’m very happy that we’re able to eliminate that part of the process here tonight,” said the mayor. “It’s a good step forward and it applies immediately, so for the coming tax season it will be in force.”
Bent cautioned the carryover status is only for the Senior’s Tax Incentive. Discounts based on receipt of the Guaranteed Income Supplement, as councilor Gerard Tilley noted earlier in the discussion, have to be proven each year, because that status can change from year to year. Tilley too welcomed the change for the Senior’s Tax Incentive.