Paradise adopts new rental policy
By Mark Squibb/December 2, 2021
If you frequently rent town facilities for parties, fundraisers, or social functions, you might find the rental process a little different the next time around.
That’s because the Town of Paradise has updated its facility rental policy.
At last week’s public meeting, Councilor Elizabeth Laurie said the decision to change the policy arose after a review by the Recreation department.
“As we move to being able to offer more rental times, it is prudent to firm up the new rental policy and ensure rentals are secured in an efficient and timely manner to ensure optimal customer service,” said Laurie.
The new policy will replace previous rental policies, including the ice rental policy, special event policy, and fundraiser group rental policy.
“The goal was to have one policy cover all rental scenarios and facility venues,” said Laurie.
There are no direct financial implications resulting from the adoption of the new policy, Laurie noted.