Harbour Grace hoping for draft strategic plan within six months
By Craig Westcott/November 18, 2021
Avalon MP Ken McDonald and Harbour Grace – Port de Grave MHA Pam Parsons can expect an invitation very soon from the members of Harbour Grace’s business and economic development committee.
Chairperson Gordon Stone told his council colleagues of the group’s intention during last week’s public council meeting, which was watched by some 84 people over the internet from the comfort of their homes.
Stone said the committee is trying to meet every three weeks on days that precede the regular council meetings.
The committee, with the special encouragement of Mayor Don Coombs, is looking at developing a strategic plan for the Town.
“It’s never really gone from discussions to paper,” said Stone. “We’ve had many inputs from businesses and town citizens over the years, so our committee thinks it’s now time. I’ve volunteered to work with our EDO (economic development officer) to put it to paper in a draft form. We’ll also try to find some funding to make it a finished document after we get it in draft form.”
Stone said the goal is to have a working document ready in six months time.
Mayor Coombs pointed out that all committees of council will have input and be impacted by the plan.
In a related vein, Stone said the committee feels it would be advantageous to meet with the town’s federal and provincial members “to talk about initiatives that can help the town and talk about ideas on funding.”
Stone said it will be a friendly get-together so that all parties can learn what each other is doing. “As we’ve discussed very much in this council, you get a lot farther when you’re working hand in hand than when you’re working and one doesn’t know what the other is doing,” he said. “Both of our politicians are very open and very interested in Harbour Grace, so that won’t be hard to do. We’ll be working on that soon and we’ll get back to council with possible dates.”
Mayor Coombs asked Stone to make the request for the meeting a formal motion of council so that staff can get to work on arranging it.
The motion passed unanimously.