GUIDES OUT TO SHARE HALLOWEEN FUN—The members of the 1st Chamberlains Guides, in partnership with Chamberlains Park Action Committee, CBS Parks Commission and the Town of CBS, have set up a ‘Halloween Look and Find’ in the park. The Guides are asking that you use your phone to scan the codes from your discoveries to share your pictures, but to please leave the items where they are so everyone can enjoy the ‘Look and Find’ during the week before Halloween. The project helped the Guides practice their map reading skills. One night last week, Stephanie Gavelle and Venus Buckingham of the Chamberlains Park Action Committee visited to talk with the girls about some of the delicate plants that grow in the Friendship Garden. They all shared hot chocolate afterwards. On hand for the activities that night were, starting in the front row, from left: Norah Moores, Monica Turpin, Kate Butler, Isabella Neil, Cayleigh Ryan, Ava Hillier, Chelsea Howse, Anna Deacy, and Amelia Morgan. And in the back row, from left: Emilia Lee, Vivienne Collins, Emma Grandy, Samantha Purchase, Ella Crosbie, Stella Bartlett, Calleigh Dawe, Jessica McKeever, Melia Corbett, Belle Myles, Emma King, Mya Pelley. Missing from the photo are Naomi Walsh, Natalie Winnett, and Charlie Costello.
The ‘Look and Find’ is running until November 5.