Holyrood council encourages residents to call in bad behaviour
By Mark Squibb/September 2, 2021
See reckless or dangerous motor vehicle use on the trails? Call the police.
That’s the message Holyrood council wants to get out to residents.
“In our last public meeting, I did mention the unsafe use of the T’railway by some motorized users, certainly in the minority, not the majority, and in particular, some users of dirt bikes, and I just wanted to reiterate that it’s extremely important for anybody witnessing dangerous activity, like I myself and others witnesses last month, to please report these issues to the RCMP,” said councilor Kim Ghaney, who added the RCMP track and follow up on complaints.
Ghaney said while the T’railway is to be enjoyed by all users, including bike riders and ATV users, there have been some concerns with certain motorized vehicle users.
“Based on the volume of complaints, from what we understand, the RCMP will increase patrols in the area,” said Ghaney. “So, if anybody does witness anything particularly dangerous or unsafe, please bring it to the RCMP, as they would be the ones to enforce the rules and regulations of the land.”
Mayor Kevin Costello agreed with Ghaney.
“We continue to say this to residents, but it is very important, like councilor Ghaney highlighted, that when you see unsafe acts, it’s very important to call the RCMP and report it,” said Costello. “Don’t look at yourself as being a snitch or whatever. You could potentially be saving someone’s life by doing this. It’s a very painless process, it takes literally 45 seconds.”
Costello said he himself has called the RCMP to report such incidents.
“My experience has been that within less than five minutes, every time I’ve called, there’s been an officer that has called me back to specifically discuss my complaint, “said Costello. “So, they are definitely receptive to this, and they need the data, they need the data to know patrols must be increased, and it also helps them for when they go to government looking for new funding and what not.”
Ghaney also said the Town is hoping to do some trail improvement in the near future.
“Staff will review the most commonly used sections, which is really from Marina Shores to Woodford Station area, and will make plans to address the more troublesome areas with the areas in the roughest shape being the priority of course,” she said.