Thornhill to tackle dirt bikes if elected to Paradise council
By Mark Squibb/August 19, 2021
Jamie Thornhill of Paradise says its time for change, and that he can help bring it.
He has put his name forward for a council seat in the upcoming fall election.
Already there are several issues that he would want to address should he be elected.
“Dirt bikes, I think, may be the number one issue right now in Paradise,” said Thornhill. “Some people may say ‘No,’ but last week alone I knocked on close to a thousand doors, and there’s two issues that I’m hearing at every door: dirt bikes, and speeding. And I know that one of my pet peeves is dirt bikes, and then the skidoos in the wintertime. So, I’d like to see something done about that, before someone gets hurt, or killed, and then it’s too late.”
Thornhill says he has also heard plenty at the doors about sidewalks — or, the lack of sidewalks.
“There’s a sidewalk that goes up one side of a street about halfway up the street and then it stops, and when you cross over the street it starts up and continues on again,” said Thornhill. “But where you cross the street, there’s no cross walk or anything there.”
He added that clearing of sidewalks in the wintertime is another issue of concern.
Thornhill, who also ran in the 2017 municipal election, is a founding member of the Lion’s Club in Paradise, and is currently president of the club, while also working full-time at Island Propane.
He said his genuine desire to help folks led him to the municipal race.
“I want to help Paradise,” said Thornhill. “I see some of the issues, and my concern is that the issues aren’t being addressed. I’m here for the people. I know that every politician says that. But I actually am here for the people. I really love helping as much as I can help. If I can get in there, I want to help as much as I can help.”
Should he be elected, Thornhill wouldn’t plan on wearing out his welcome. In fact, he believes policies should be put in place to keep councillors from holding a seat for more than a few terms.
“A lot of council members have been there for a long time,” he said. “One of the things I’d like to see is a fixed term, whether that’s two terms or four terms, whatever your term would be, once your term is up, you can’t run anymore.”
That, said Thornhill, would likely have to be a provincial wide decision, and one he would like to see implemented. “Once you’re on council, you’re there and (it seems) you never get replaced.”
The municipal election is scheduled for September 28.