Carbonear sees savings on culverts
By Mark Squibb|August 5, 2021
Change orders are often dreaded by councils, as they typically mean an increase in project costs. That’s not always the case, however. During its July 14 meeting, Carbonear council approved a change order that will actually see them save some money on the Powell Drive paving project.
During the previous meeting, council had approved new culverts at a cost of $78,570 plus HST.
Previous estimates had priced the installation of new culverts at $78,000 and of concrete sidewalks and curb at $14,000.
A new estimate, however, will see both concrete walk and curb and new culverts installed for just $84,610 + HST.
Not surprisingly, council rescinded the previous order and passed the change order motion unanimously.
The total price for the project is approximately $670,000 and is being completed with Gas Tax Funds.