Holyrood gives an update on communications plan
By Mark Squibb | April 1, 2021
The Town of Holyrood assured residents during the March 23 meeting it is still working on a new communication plan.
“Our communication plan continues to be a priority,” said mayor Kevin Costello. “It is a process. And we want to make sure it is comprehensive and addresses the needs of the town. It will take time to finally roll it out. We are working hard to do it right, and we ask for your patience and consideration.”
When Costello was acclaimed to the mayor’s chair following the resignation of Gary Goobie, he told The Shoreline that he would be looking at the town’s communication strategy, in light of the controversy surrounding the Beach Head Brewery application, the handling of which Goobie cited as his reason for resignation.
To that end the Town, before Costello’s acclamation, had hired J W Consulting Associates to formulate a new communication plan at a cost, thus far, of $3,450 HST included.
The Town officially announced that work had begun on the new communications plan on Jan. 28.
“Rolling out a communication plan that is not vetted and planned only adds confusion and has the potential to create more issues than solutions,” said Costello. “Be assured that your elected representatives are continuing to work to serve the residents of the town and will continue to do so with the best possible outcome in mind. I know we’ve talked about it a lot over the past couple of months. It’s still a major priority for the town for the present, and also into the future. It’s not a simple plan, and we want to do it right.”
The update came as part of the Mayor’s Update, a new agenda item introduced in the March 23 meeting.
“This is a new topic we’ve added to the agenda this week.” Said Costello. “It’s got to do, basically, with the improvements of communication in the community. So, we’ll give it a try this week, and if it needs some tweaks, we’ll make those.”
Other items covered under the Mayor’s Update include the conflict-of-interest votes on both Deputy Mayor Curtis Buckle and Recreation Director Steve Martin, reported in last week’s edition of The Shoreline, as well as a recap of previously announced Safe Restart funding.