Work continues on Holyrood’s North Side Road
By Mark Squibb | Sept. 3, 2020
The town of Holyrood has submitted a gas tax funding application, valued at $5,500 plus HST, to pave 6.7 m by 55.5 metres of North Side Road in front of Holy Cross School.
The paving ties in with pavement laid earlier this year.
“We have received approval for the majority of gas tax paving projects, and they’re in progress now, as I’m sure you’ve noticed,” councillor Jim Joy told his colleagues. “Hopefully, in the next short while, it will be completed.”
Earlier in the meeting, Joy noted that work is just about complete on the North Side armour stone wall, and that a committee of council is working to further develop the area.
“It is just about complete, and what an impressive job it is, as I have said before. So many positive compliments are being made about the attention to detail, and the overall quality of the work completed,” he said.