Spaniard’s Bay to purchase video surveillance
By Mark Squibb | Sept. 3, 2020
The Town of Spaniards Bay will buy video surveillance equipment for the recreation centre in an effort to curb vandalism.
Town Manager Tony Ryan made the recommendation during the August 31 public meeting.
The topic had been discussed at length during the previous meeting on August 10.
All members of council acknowledged the ongoing concerns about vandalism in the area of the rec centre, although Deputy Mayor Darlene Stamp questioned the effectiveness of installing video surveillance equipment.
“To me, yes, you’re probably going to see an incident happen, but wouldn’t it be better to have an alarm system than a surveillance camera?” asked Stamp.
Following the recommendation to purchase surveillance equipment, Stamp asked if there would be a cost limit on the purchase.
Mayor Paul Brazil noted the Town Manager had bought surveillance gear in the past, and therefore would have “a judgment of what would be acceptable and reasonably good value.”
The motion was passed unanimously.
Earlier in the meeting, Brazil clarified that the approval for renovations for the women’s restroom at the recreation centre, approved at the prior meeting, would be strictly plumbing related.
“I thought it was a reno of all the work that was needed, but I understand that it’s just for the plumbing aspect of the reno, not anything else, like new stalls, or countertops, or anything like that,” he said.
He added that further renovations will have to wait until the new budget is released.
Councillor Sherry Lundrigan said the women’s restroom desperately needs work.