Holyrood looking to North Arm River as possible new water supply
The Town of Holyrood is looking to another new source for part of its water supply.
Infrastructure and public works committee chairman Jim Joy said an upcoming investigation may result in a new option.
SNC-Lavalin will carry out the work at North Arm River, to see whether it could be a viable option for the town.
“This project is one component of a larger initiative to evaluate and identify the appropriate actions necessary to ensure reliable safe drinking water to the Town of Holyrood through several approaches,” Joy said.
The contract comes to $22,885.
Joy said the firm will review whether the North Arm River can meet provincial water supply regulations. The Department of Municipal Affairs and Environment will then be asked if it has any environmental concerns with using the river.
“The consultants will prepare a concept plan for the location of intake, pumphouse, treatment plant, and connections to existing water distribution systems, and the report will identify water treatment options, phasing, and capital costs,” Joy said.
Joy acknowledged that previous studies into Holyrood’s water supply have been undertaken. He said each option will be considered.
Finding another long term water supply option for the town has been a priority for the committee for some time.
Councillor Kevin Costello said they need to start somewhere. “There’s a number of options on the list and we need to start working to either keep those options there and run them to ground even further, or just mark them off the list and move on to the next option,” he argued. “There’s a considerable amount of work being done, and it’s something we pay a lot of attention to in our committee meetings.”
Council plans to pay for SNC-Lavalin’s work by using federal gas tax funding.
“I think this is the right way of doing business, applying through gas tax for the money to do this water study,” said Deputy Mayor Curtis Buckle. “So hopefully we’ll receive it. We have to start somewhere, and trying to get it this way instead of costing money from our own account, that’s the right approach I think.”